Cards (32)

  • What is the function of xylem in plants?
    Transports water and minerals
  • What does phloem transport?
    Organic substances like sucrose
  • What is a vascular bundle?
    A structure containing xylem and phloem
  • What is the stele in plant roots?
    The central part containing vascular tissue
  • What is the role of the endodermis?
    Surrounds the vascular bundle in roots
  • What is the Casparian strip?
    A waterproof band in the endodermis
  • What does the pericycle do?
    Gives rise to lateral roots
  • What is the function of cambium?
    Responsible for secondary growth
  • What is transpiration in plants?
    Loss of water vapor from leaves
  • What does the cohesion-tension theory explain?
    Water movement through xylem
  • What is capillarity in relation to water?
    Water rising in narrow tubes
  • What causes root pressure?
    Active transport of ions into xylem
  • What is the function of the Casparian strip?
    Forces water through the symplast pathway
  • What is the apoplast pathway?
    Water movement through cell walls
  • How does the symplast pathway function?
    Water moves through cytoplasm via plasmodesmata
  • What is the vacuolar pathway?
    Water movement through vacuoles and cytoplasm
  • What are stomata?
    Pores that regulate gas exchange
  • What is the role of guard cells?
    Control opening and closing of stomata
  • What is the cuticle on leaves?
    A waxy layer that reduces water loss
  • What is a potometer used for?
    Measuring the rate of transpiration
  • What does wilting indicate in plants?
    Loss of turgor pressure
  • What is a xerophyte?
    A plant adapted to dry environments
  • What is a hydrophyte?
    A plant adapted to aquatic environments
  • What is a mesophyte?
    A plant adapted to moderate water availability
  • What is translocation in plants?
    Movement of organic substances through phloem
  • What is a source in plant transport?
    Part that produces and exports sugars
  • What is a sink in plant transport?
    Part that imports and stores sugars
  • What does the mass flow hypothesis explain?
    How solutes are transported in phloem
  • What is active loading in plants?
    Transporting sucrose into sieve tube elements
  • What are sieve tube elements?
    Main cells of the phloem
  • What are companion cells?
    Cells that provide ATP to sieve tube elements
  • What are plasmodesmata?
    Small channels between plant cells