Christian responses to Genetic Engineering

Cards (6)

  • What is genetic engineering?
    The deliberate modification of the characteristics of an organism by manipulating its genetic material.
  • What is the Catholic Church's stance on genetic engineering?

    It approves it if it helps people. It depends how drastic the modification is
  • What is NML's stance on genetic engineering?
    Disapproves of altering the genetic code of animals so that they cannot fulfil their final end. Does not allow GE to take humanity to a trans human state; humanity would no longer be in God's image
  • What is the Protestant Church's stance on genetic engineering?
    Much of the Protestant approach echoes the Catholic Church. But other Protestants, such as Fletcher argue that it could help people. Some Churches have clear policies, such as the Seventh Day Adventist Church which spells out four areas for ethical concern: the sanctity of life; protection of human dignity; the acceptance of social responsibilities; and the stewardship of God's creation
  • Are Christians accepting of GE? YES!
    - situation ethics: as long as the end goal is agape and the means of achieving it are practical and person centred
    - C of E allows fertilised ovum to be used if it benefits humanity and eradicates certain diseases
    - sanctity of life weak principle
  • Are Christians accepting of GE? NO!
    - NML argues we are created in God's image and we should not mess with that
    - sanctity of life strong principle
    - goes against biblical authority
    - unknown consequences would be against God's will