New Religious Movements

Subdecks (2)

Cards (13)

  • Wallis 1984
    1. World-Rejecting NRMs 
    2. World-Accommodating NRMs 
    3. World-Affirming NRMs 
  • World Rejecting NRMS: similar to sects, clear authority in God, critical of external world and hold the expectation of radical change, communal, controlling, conservative moral codes, brainwashing (Moonies, JonesTown)
  • World Accommodating NRMs: Breakaway from churches and denominations, focus on religious matters, restore the spiritual purity of religion, focus on individuality, acceptance of mainstream society through labour (Neo-Pentecostalists). 
  • World-Affirming NRMs: lacks conventional communal worship, acceptance of the world and optimistic and promise followers success in mainstream goals, non-exclusive and tolerant, claim to hold spiritual power to enable followers to unlock their spiritual powers, psychologise religions offering this-worldly gratification, most successful (Scientology), people are seen as customers.
  • Evaluation
    1. Useful way to classify movements but not clear where categorising based on beliefs or teachings 
    2. Diversity of NRMs 
  • Stark and Bainbridge 1986: they should categorise using one criterion, the degree of conflict or tension between the religious groups and wider society