Operating system – a computer program that acts as an intermediary/ interface between the user of a computer and the computer hardware.
Operating system – set of system software routines that sits between the application programs and the hardware.
Application software needs resource, and os will check if the resources are available and allocate it
If we remove the OS, there will be a gap in language. User uses human language whereas the hardware uses machinelanguage. And the OS serves as the translator between the two.
2 functions of OS - OS as a virtual machine(physical hardware will be converted to virtual machine to hide technicality) and OS as a Resource Manager (resource allocator)
Multiplexing - process of allocating resources to complete a process. 2 types of multiplexing technique is TimeMultiplexing and SpaceMultiplexing
Time Multiplexing – each different processes are given time to utilize a resource one after the other, one at a time and there will be a concept of queueing. Resources that uses time multiplexing – CPUprocessing, GPU, Printer, Keyboard
Space Multiplexing – does not uphold the one at a time policy unlike time multiplexing. Rather, it simultaneously allocated free spaces to all processes that it can accommodate. Resources using space multiplexing – memoryspace, harddiskspace
6 components of OS - user command interface, file manager, memory manager, network manager, device manager, processor manager.
Memory manager - focused on the proper allocation of memory resources to competing processes or tasks.
Processor manager - deals with the proper scheduling of tasks in utilizing the processor or cpu
File manager – deals with the organization of files in the computer system
Device manager – refers to the OS control over peripheral devices
Network manager – incharge with the sharing issues between computers
Types of OS – single-user operating systems, multi-user operating systems, real-time operating systems, embedded operating system.
single-user operating systems – only one user can access the computer system at a time. 2 classification: singletask and multitask
multi-user operating systems – capable of handling demands of different users at the same time
real-time operating systems – makes use of time as a key parameter for its operation.
embedded operating system – type of an OS that is implanted or rooted to a special type of device or chip
Zeroth generation (mechanical computer) – only consists of gears, metals, crank. No operating system. Manual operation. Punchcards are used to program the machine (Jacquard looms technology). Example: Analyticalengine of Charles Babbage (Father of the Modern Computer)
First Generation (Vacuum tubes and serial processing) – Process : vacuum tubes. Internal memory: magnetic drum. External storage: punchedcard. Example UNIVAC & ENIAC
UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) – first commercial computer
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) – first general-purpose computer
Resident monitor – performs automatic job sequencing by simply transferring control to the program, less intervention of user
Control cards – specifically designed to instruct the resident monitor on which program should be selected next for processing
Problem : cpu idle time, slow i/o devices, solution: off-line processing operation, buffer (temporary storage where data can be stored, input and output buffer using magnetic tapes
Combining input and output buffer using magnetic disk – SPOOLING (Simultaneous Peripheral Operation Online) overlapping the i/o devices
User command interface - aka OS Shell. Provides the user with visual tool for communication purposes. 2 types of interface: command line interface and graphical user interface.
Second generation (transistors and batch processing) - Process: transistors. Store instruction: magneticcorememory.
Third generation (integrated circuits and multiprogramming or multi-tasking)
Fourth generation (modern operating system) – period for the development of graphical user interface
2 most prominent OS Rivals – Apple macintosh and Microsoft windows