when one gender is treated less favourably than the other
Alpha bias
differences between men and women are exagerated
beta bias
differences between men and women are minimised
taking male thinking as normal and regarding female thinking as abnormal when it differs from the view of a male
positives of alpha bias
healthy criticism of cultural values that praise certain male qualities such as agression
negatives of alpha bias
can sustain prejudices and stereotypes
positives of beta bias
makes people see men and women as the same, leading to equal treatment in legal terms
negatives of beta bias
draws attention away from the differences in power between men and women
Research linking to gender bias
freuds psychosexual development - his theory is androcentric as women are defined psychologically by the fact they are notmen.
Culture bias
cultures may differ from one another in many ways
one view in one culture may not directly apply to another culture
can occur when a researcher assumes that an emic construct is actually etic
Emic construct
one that is applied only to one cultural group
Etic construct
behaviour is universal to all cultures
occurs when a researcher assumes that their own culturally specific practices are natural or right
uses their own ethnic group to evaluate and make judgment about other groups
Cultural relativism
principle of regarding beliefs and values of a culture from the viewpoint of that culture itself
culturally biased research
ainsworth'sstrange situation is not appropriate for assessing children from non-us populations as it is based on western childrearing ideals as it only used American, middle class, whitechildren and mothers