
Cards (425)

  • What is the relative mass of an electron?
    1/2000 or negligible
  • What is the overall charge of an atom?
    Neutral or zero
  • What is the overall charge of a nucleus?
  • What is the approximate size of an atom?
    1 x 10<sup>-10</sup> m
  • What is the approximate size of a nucleus?
    1 x 10<sup>-15</sup> m
  • What is found between the nucleus and electrons?
    Empty space
  • In A-Z nuclide notation, what does A represent?
    Nucleon number
  • In A-Z nuclide notation, what does Z represent?
    Proton number / atomic number
  • Which number, A or Z, defines which element it is?
    Z (proton/atomic number)
  • What is the definition of nucleon number?
    Total number of protons and neutrons
  • What happens when photons of EM radiation hit a metal surface?
    Photoelectrons are emitted from the surface.
  • Atoms have equal numbers of what two particles?
    Protons and electrons
  • How does a photon transfer energy in the photoelectric effect?
    One photon transfers all its energy to one electron.
  • What is the range of kinetic energies of emitted photoelectrons?
    From 0 up to a maximum value.
  • What determines the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons?
    The frequency of the radiation determines it.
  • What is the work function (φ)?
    The minimum photon energy required for emission.
  • What is the magnitude of the charge on an electron/proton?
    1.60 x 10<sup>-19</sup> C
  • What is the threshold frequency (fo)?
    The minimum frequency required for emission.
  • How is work function related to threshold frequency?
    φ = hfo links them together.
  • What is the mass of a nucleon?
    1.67 x 10<sup>-27</sup> kg
  • How do frequency and work function relate to maximum kinetic energy?
    hf = φ + Ek(max) describes the relationship.
  • What is the mass of an electron?
    9.11 x 10<sup>-31</sup> kg
  • What happens to photon energy when frequency increases?
    Photon energy increases as frequency increases.
  • How does increasing intensity affect the photoelectric effect?
    More photons incident per second increase emission.
  • How do we work out the mass of an atom, ion or nucleus in kilograms?
    Number of nucleons x 1.67 x 10<sup>-27</sup>
  • What is stopping potential?
    The potential difference to stop electron emission.
  • What is the equation for stopping potential?
    Vs = Ek(max) / e describes it.
  • How do we work out the charge of a nucleus in coulombs?
    Number of protons x 1.60 x 10<sup>-19</sup>
  • What is the ground state of an electron?
    Lowest energy level (n=1) closest to nucleus.
  • How do we work out the charge of an ion in coulombs?
    Relative charge x 1.60 x 10<sup>-19</sup>
  • What is excitation in terms of energy levels?
    An electron moves to a higher energy level.
  • How do we calculate specific charge?
    Specific charge = charge / mass = Q / m
  • How can electrons gain energy to become excited?
    By photon transfer or electron collision.
  • What are the units for specific charge?
    C kg<sup>-1</sup>
  • What is de-excitation in terms of energy levels?
    An electron moves to a lower energy level by emitting a photon.
  • What are isotopes?
    Atoms with the same number of protons and different numbers of neutrons
  • What is ionization?
    An electron gains enough energy to be removed.
  • Do isotopes have different chemical properties?
  • What is ionization energy?
    The energy required to remove an electron completely.
  • Do isotopes have different nuclear stability?