Bandura (1977), proposed behaviour is firstly observed then modelled and imitated to be reproduced
vicariousreinforcement/learning, learning is reinforced through seeing someone elses consequences. if person is rewarded then behaviour is more likely to be copied
attention: behaviour has to be noticed to imitate it. Mainly seen by someone with higher status/same sex.
retention: behaviour has to be remembered to be imitated
reproduction: person must be capable of reproducing behaviour, having physical and mentalabilities to imitate.
motivation: must be an incentivepresent encouraging imitation (vicarious/ direct positive reinforcement)
evidence supporting social learning theory?
Williams (1986), naturalfieldexperiment looking into effect of TV on behaviour of children in remote community in Canada. found TV increased childrens agg behaviour as rated by parents/teachers
Johnson (2002), positive correlation seen between amount of TV watched in New York State and increased agg behaviour. also found those who watch highest amount of TV has higherst number or violentacts
strength of supporting SLT as crime explanation?
explains cultural differences, cultures provide different role models for kids
explains individual differences, differing role models seen eg growing up with a thief
explains gender differences in criminal behaviour
methodology used in explaining SLT?
lab experiments= scientificcredibility. linking observation to behaviour shows reliablecause ad effect.lab experiments use objectivequantitative methods
however artificial environments, lack ecological validity and don' reflect real life situations. ethical constraints mean it's virtuallyimpossible to use experiments in studying the role of social learning in criminal behaviour in reallife families
applications in explaining SLT in crime?
society is much more aware of the power of role models, since children learn from observation. we can attempt use of censorship to control violence in the media (classificationsystem where certain audiences aren't available to watch film)
evidence against SLT?
SLT predicts reoffending as less likely due to punishment (direct/ vicarious). high rates of recidivism go against this prediction.