Cards (7)

  • Ritzer  
    • Working class workers are dehumanised within fast food chains (given scripts, machines, rotas and instructions)- ‘McJobs’ 
    • No longer expected to enjoy work or be empowered 
  • Abrams 
    • Studied WC people who lived below minimum wage  
    • Often not paid for time spent at work- when undercover she was asked to attend training and take lunch breaks whilst not being paid  
    • Shows that WC pay is further eroded by unethical practices.  
  • The Sutton Trust  
    • Elite Theory- ruling class use elite schools to get into elite universities then use social networking and the old boys' network to gain employment in elite jobs. 
    • 50% of Westminster College got a place at Oxbridge in 2007 
    • WC are disadvantaged in the options open to them  
  • Alan Milburn 2012 
    • Led ‘Fair Access to Professional Careers Report’ which found that there is a glass floor which is an invisible safety net which UC children use to help maintain high paid jobs (private tutors, elite internships, etc). 
    • The judiciary remains socially elitist- 15/17 Supreme Court judges all privately educated, 26/38 justices of appeal (only 2 state educated), 43% barristers went to fee-paying secondary school. 
    • ‘This is social engineering on a grand scale. The senior ranks of professions are a closed shop.’ 
  • Goldthorpe & Lockwood  
    • WC are increasingly instrumental in their attitude to work, seeing them as a means to an end since they don’t gain satisfaction or status from them  
    • Fraternity and unity within traditional WC jobs are gone, disadvantaging them further  
  • Ghaill 
    • Decline of traditional manual labour jobs led to high levels of unemployment for WC men. 
    • Impacted their status in the community and their identity as it was seen as an essential part of WC male identity- ‘crisis of masculinity’ 
  • ONS 
    • Pay is lower for those in the bottom of society 
    • Those in the bottom paid 40% were paid just 20% of the pay 
    • Families cannot afford the best housing, food, and opportunities.