
Cards (17)

  • What is a sample?

    A group of people who take part in a research investigation
  • What is bias in terms of sampling?

    When certain groups are under or over represented within the sample selected
  • What is a Random Sample?

    Everyone has an equal opportunity of being picked
    Use a random number generator
  • Strengths of Random Sampling
    1. Unbiased
    2. Representative
  • Weakness of Random Sampling
    1. Impractical as it is hard to include everyone in the population
    2. Time consuming
  • What is Systematic Sampling?
    Selecting PPs from a target population by selecting them at pre set intervals
    e.g selecting every 50th person in a list
  • Strengths of Systematic Sampling
    1. Unbiased so no researcher bias
    2. Representative
  • Weakness of a Systematic Sampling
    Unexpected bias so certain types of people may only be chosen so some never get picked
  • What is Stratified Sampling?
    Dividing the population into relevant groups work out the % of groups
    When splitting groups you get a % of that group to make the sample
  • Strengths of Stratified Sampling
    1. Representative
    2. Unbiased
  • Weakness of Stratified Sampling
    Need knowledge of the population breakdown
    Not doing the groups right leads to bias
  • What is Volunteer Sampling?

    PPs offer to take part in the sample
    Placing on advert online telling people to ask questionnaire
  • Strengths of Volunteer Sampling
    1. Quick and easy
    2. No experimenter bias
  • Weaknesses of Volunteer Sampling
    1. Unrepresentative as certain types of people may volunteer
    2. Time consuming
  • What is Opportunity Sampling?

    Approaching people who are available and asking them to take part in the sample
    Asking people on the street to do a questionnaire
  • Strengths of Opportunity Sampling
    1. Quick and easy
    2. May be the only option
  • Weakness of Opportunity Sampling
    1. Unrepresentative
    2. Experimenter Bias