Society transformation 1951-64

Cards (6)

  • Post-war boom
    • average weekly wage went from £8.30 in 1951 to £15.35 in 1961
    • working hours decreased - work time to pay for weekly basket of basic food items = 3 hours in 1957
    • food rationing ended in 1954
    • worldwide recovery = increase in global trade
  • Balance of payments issues
    • economic growth = dangers of increased consumer demand causing Britain to import more than it exported
    • run on the pound - govt had to use foreign dollar gold reserves
    • danger that economy would grow faster than increases in productivity = inflation
  • Historians have talked about " the 3 C's "
    • Consensus
    • Consumerism
    • Cold War
  • economic developments
    • post-war boom
    • balance of payments issues
    • stop-go economics
  • What are stop-go economics
    Economy slowed too much = govt encouraged growth by lowering interest rates + wages rose
    economy overheat + inflation = govt raised interest rates + froze wage increases --> demands fell
  • Impact of stop-go economics
    Partly successful
    • real wages increased = avg £8.60 in 1951 increased to £18.70
    • unemployment mostly low
    • Britain becoming more classless and meritocratic - rising social mobility
    • Post- Suez - stop-go was weak so Powell and Thorneycroft (tory members) proposed a form of monetarism
    • this meant cuts to house building, welfare, public services
    • but this helped Sterling recover against US dollar = govt was able to make tax cuts in 1959
    • however Britain's growth was sluggish compared to competitors e.g. France, West Germany