1.3B Volcanic Hazards

Cards (8)

  • Primary hazards:
    • lava flow
    • Pyroclastic flow
    • ash fall
    • gas eruption
  • lava flow = Extensive areas of solidified lava, which can extend several kilometres from volcanic vents if the lava is basaltic and low viscosity
    -> occurs at the subduction zone or hot-spot
  • pyroclastic flow = Very large, dense clouds of hot ash and gas at temperatures of up to 600'C. They can flow down the flanks of volcanoes and devastate large areas. 
    -> occur at subduction zone
  • ash fall = Ash particles, and larger tephra particles, can blanket large areas in ash, killing vegetation, collapsing buildings and poisoning water sources
  • gas eruption = The eruption of carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide, which can poison people and animals in extreme cases
  • secondary hazards:
    • Lahars
    • J​ökulhlaups
  • Lahar = Volcanic mudflows, which occur when rainfall mobilises volcanic ash. They travel at high speed down river systems and cause major destruction.
  • J​ökulhlaups = floods caused when volcanoes erupt beneath glaciers and ice caps, creating huge volumes of meltwater