800 - 1500

Cards (23)

  • Normans:
    William become king in 1066 

    Political: Harold Godwinson became King of England after Edward the Confessor died. Godwinson made a promise to him that he would become King after his death
    Religion + politics: The Pope supported him because he didn’t like the fact that Godwinson broke his word. He had God and right on his side. 
    The Normans who followed William were attracted by the opportunities for new land + wealth that England provided. 
  • Jewish:
    Came in 1070
    Invite: King William invited them because he needed to secure Norman control over England by building castles and cathedrals. He needed their money. 
    Economics: Jewish moneylenders could live prosperous lives because they could charge interest on loans. They didn’t follow the Pope so didn’t have to follow the rules of Usury. 
  • Low Countries:
    Politics: Hundred Years’ War broke out across Europe. It disrupted work. 
    Job opportunities: The Black Death in 1348 meant that wages were high and jobs were needed. Brickmakers, farmers, etc came for jobs. 
    Invite: King Henry III invited the weavers in 1270 because he could make more money exporting high quality wool. 
  • Lombardy Bankers: 
    Came in the 1220s. 

    Economics: saw the successes of Jewish and came to do the same. But usury? Found loophole - charged more interest than usury fine. 
  • Vikings - Positive
    Had fun. Told sagas, played chess, made music.
    Held Things, made laws, decided punishments of the guilty. 
    King Cnut, 1016, was good king: allowed Saxons to hold positions of power, established earldoms 
  • Vikings Negative:
    King Ethelred ordered the massacre of all Danes living in English territory: St Brice’s Day, 1002
    Bc he feared they would join the viking raiding to take back Danish control.
  • Normans - positive
    Feudal system - gave land to some supporters
  • Normans - negative
    Faced a lot of opposition, especially in the north. Used force + castles to crush
  • Jews - positive
    Helped businesses and trades flourish for many years - were prosperous
    Created Jewries - separate areas of towns and cities where Jews lived
    Given special status bc invited, could shelter in royal castles
  • Jews - negative
    Had to charge high interest, resentment 
    Not christian
    Propaganda stories - blood libel (blamed for death of boy
    1265: pope allowed italian bankers to charge usury
    1275: The Statute of Jewry forbade them charging interest on loans
    1290: ordered to convert to Christianity or leave
  • Low Countries - Positive
    Settled quickly, worked with English to teach new techniques. 
    Flemish brickmakers taught English brickmakers how to make + set bricks
    Flemish weavers allowed to set up own guilds
    Weavers were prosperous + well respected
    Lombardy bankers had royal protection 
  • Low Countries - Negative
    Craft guilds thought migrants were taking their jobs. Hostility bt English + Flemish cloth workers
    People resented the special privileges given to them 
    During Peasants Revolt, 1381, 150 foreign weavers + merchants murdered
    King eventually stopped repaying loans to LBs, but they worked hard
  • Hansa Merchants from Germany - Positive
    Established the Steelyard in London
    Given right to trade 
    Given royal protection, payed lower tax
  • Hansa Merchants from Germany - Negative
    During revolt in 1381, english attacked Steelyard, burned buildings + destroyed goods. 
    Thought that they were only interested in making money for themselves
  • impact of vikings
    Language: spoke Old Norse. Words like egg, Wednesday, knife. 
    Things: foundation of democracy - laws were decided by voting 
    Women had equal rights as men: own + inherit land + speak at Things
  • impact of normans
    Built castles, cathedrals, monasteries, abbeys 
    Feudal system: by 1087, only two of great landowners were English
    Slavery abolished 
    William replaced all but one saxon bishop with Norman ones - links with Christendom grew
    Langage: Old French. Words like pork and beef. 
    Laws: e.g murdrum- a fine paid by any hundred if Norman murdered and murderer not caught
  • impact of jews
    Lent money to local people to help start businesses. 
    Merton College founded in 1260s w help of wealthy Jew - Jacob of Oxford
  • impact of migrants from low countries:
    Income to crown
    Cloth-makers + merchants: cloth became England’s main source of wealth as trade with Europe grew. Economy moved from primary to secondary economy. 
    Hansa merchants: traded w europe + made England a key European trading centre. 
    Lombardy bankers: turned London into an international financial market. 
    Language from LBs: words like bank + credit are italian.
  • Vikings + york - why?
    Captured york in 866
    Important trading city 
    Rich fertile land for farming 
    Roads + rivers easy to control + move around 
    Had a mint - minted own coins 
  • vikings + york - migrants:
    10,000 - 15,000 Vikings migrated to York bt 866 + 950
  • vikings + york - trade
    Textile workers for clothing + shoes 
    Glass makers 
    Blacksmiths produced weapons and tools
    Imports to York: oils, perfumes, furs from russia for clothing
  • vikings + york - religion
    The Church continued to practise in York 
    Many Vikings converted to Christianity 
    Most coins minted in York w christian symbols (but had latin spelling errors + pagan symbols)
  • Vikings:
    Raiding began in 789
    Settled in 865
    Religion: Odin, God of military victory would reward Vikings for fighting + winning 
    Agriculture: England had fertile lands and soils. Settling meant that they could farm the land and live well
    Trade: English towns were very important trading centres w Europe. They could take over the trade and become rich.