Crude oil, hydrocarbons and alkanes

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  • Crude oil is a finite resource that is found in the Earth’s crust and is the remains of organisms that lived and died millions of years ago, mainly plankton which was buried in mud.
  • Crude oil is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons, mainly alkanes, formed over millions of years from the remains of ancient dead marine organisms.
  • Crude oil is an important source of fuels, which are materials that are used to produce heat, like coal, oil or gas.
  • Crude oil is also an important feedstock, which is a raw material used to provide reactants for an industrial reaction.
  • A feedstock is a raw material used to provide reactants for an industrial reaction.
  • A petrochemical is a substance made from crude oil using chemical reactions.
  • Ethene is produced from crude oil and is used as feedstock to make poly(ethene), a polymer.
  • Other useful substances made from compounds found in crude oil include solvents, lubricants, and detergents.