New right class inequality

Cards (11)

  • New Right stems from neo liberalism and is closely linked to the politics of Margret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan. Combines free market economics with conservative moral values.
  • Marsland
    Governments are too generous with benefits which leads to a culture of dependency. Stops self-reliance and social responsibility. The individual should be encouraged to take responsibility for themselves.
  • Lewis
    New paternalism has creates an underclass of infantalised people who are unable and unwilling to help themselves. Cites the marshmallow test to show how the working class have present time orientation as they fail to think ahead, which leads to poverty.
  • Marshmallow test
    Children were left alone with a marshmallow and told that if they didn't eat it then they would get two later. Lower class children were unable to delay their gratification.
  • Marxists such as McKenzie criticise Marsland for failing to recognise the government as responsible for class inequality. Capitalism is an economic system that allows one class to exploit another.
  • Murray
    Single parents who live off benefits are the heart of the underclass. Illegitimacy rates from absent fathers promote a culture of dependency and reliance on welfare benefits. These children are more likely to be wild and badly behaved and the culture of poverty will perpetuate itself due to inadequate socialisers.
  • Marxists criticise Murray's theory as it ignores the multiple forms of deprivation and social exclusion faced by the underclass and the limited opportunities available.
  • Murray and Herrnstein
    Some people are predisposed to personality traits such as low IQ, anger, and aggressiveness. The cognitive elite are separated from the average so end up in higher professions. Social inequality can be explained through low IQ.
  • Marxist Bourdieu criticises Murray and Herrnstein as IQ tests are impossible to not be linked to cultural capital, such as households with better educational toys and books. IQ tests are widely criticised for cultural distortions.
  • Dennis and Erdos
    There has been a fundamental shift of prioritising rights before responsibilities has led to an underclass who don't offer anything to society. Modern society has lost common values and moral standards and has led to a culture where individuals take no responsibility for basic civility and are rude and self-centred.
  • Postmodernist Lyotard criticises Dennis and Erdos's theory as the relaxing of strict social morals allows people to embrace new ideas, such as homosexuality and not judging by appearances.