
Cards (15)

  • Who developed the functionalism perspective in sociology?
    Emile Durkheim
  • What analogy did Durkheim use to describe society?
    Society is like a human body
  • What are the two main components Durkheim identified for society to function smoothly?
    Social cohesion and social control
  • How does Durkheim's concept of social cohesion relate to societal problems?
    Problems can indicate dysfunctions elsewhere
  • What does Durkheim mean by social cohesion?
    Extent to which people are bound together
  • What does Durkheim mean by social control?
    Extent to which anti-social behavior is prevented
  • What happens in a society with too little social cohesion?
    It becomes selfish and people don't help
  • What happens in a society with too much social control?
    It leads to oppression and tyranny
  • What is the role of consensus in functionalism according to Durkheim?
    It maintains the balance of social cohesion and control
  • What are the two stages of socialisation in functionalism?
    • Primary socialisation: learning family values
    • Secondary socialisation: learning societal values
  • What is primary socialisation?
    Learning particularistic values from family
  • What is secondary socialisation?
    Learning universalistic values from society
  • How does functionalism view social change?
    As a gradual process that happens naturally
  • Who are some key functionalists mentioned?
    • Talcott Parsons
    • Davis and Moore
    • Young and Wilmott
    • Robert Merton
    • Walt Rostow
  • What are key functionalist ideas?
    • Organic change over radical change
    • Meritocracy in society
    • Positive functions of social institutions