Cecil Rhodes owned all of South Africa's diamond mines, which accounted for 90% of the world's diamond production.
Cecil Rhodes's aim was to unite Africa.
The Limpopo River was a significant location in Cecil Rhodes's plans.
Cecil Rhodes wanted to remove the Transvaal's advantage.
Sir William Mackinnon founded the Calcutta and Burma Steam Navigation Company, which became the British India Steam Navigation Company and reached the coast of East Africa.
Sir William Mackinnon expanded trade and removed the private nature of the ships.
The ships of Sir William Mackinnon's company could carry both cargo and people.
The Imperial British East Africa Company received a charter and then went bankrupt.
George Goldie formed the Central African Trading Company.
In 1879, George Goldie persuaded all British trading firms on the Niger river to create the United African Company.
George Goldie's family brought palm oil plantations as well as cocoa and coffee plantations.
George Goldie helped Britain claim its right to be a protectorate of North and South Niger at the Berlin Conference.
George Goldie's company, the Royal Niger Company, received a royal charter in 1886.
George Goldie is often referred to as "Cecil Rhodes of West Africa".
In the 1890s, George Goldie was involved in China.