Cards (8)

  • What did Bowlby state
    -First 30 months is critical and if the child is separated from its mother without a suitable substitute for an extended period of time that psychological damage was inevitable
  • What are some emotional and intellectual effects of deprivation?
    -problems with cognitive development (low IQ)
    -an inability to form attachments in the future
    -affectionless psychopathy
  • Bowlby also conducted the 44 thieves study..
    -ppts were 44 criminal teens that had been accused of stealing.
    -Bowlby interviewed them to look for sings of affectionless psychopathy
  • Bowlby also...
    -interviewed the families in order to establish whether the thieves had had prolonged separations from their mothers.
    -a control group of non criminals was used as a comparison
  • What were the findings
    -14/44 could be described as affectionless psychopaths.
    -of this 14 ,12 had experienced prolonged separation from their mothers during the first 2 years of life
  • 5 of the remaining 30
    -had experienced seperation but showed no sings of affectionless psychopathy.
  • of the control group
    -2 had experienced long term separation
  • Bowlby concluded
    -that prolonged early deprivation caused affectionless psychopathy