Cards (6)

  • What is a strength (Goldfarb IQ)
    -supporting research
    -Goldfarb found lower IQ scores in children raised in orphanages as opposed to those who had been fostered into a family home.
    -Those raised in orphanage had a mean IQ score of 68 compared to those who had been fostered who had a mean score of 96
    -shows evidence for the intellectual effects of maternal dep
  • What is a weakness? (hilda lewis replication)
    -contradictory evidence
    -Hilda Lewis replicated the 44 thieves study on a larger scale 500 ppts.
    -in her sample early childhood prolonged separation did not predict criminality
    -This goes against Bowlby perhaps suggesting sample used was too small.
    -cannot be generalised
  • What is another weakness? (czech twins)
    -there have been cases where children have been seperated during this critical period and not suffered long term effects.
    -e.g Czech twins who were locked in cupboard by stepmother from age 18months-7yrs
    -on their release they were able to form close attachment to two new loving parents
  • Why is this a weakness?
    -prolonged separation does not always lead to inability to form attachment
    -can be argued they had each other so were not deprived
  • What is another weakness?
    -Levey showed how separating baby rats from their mother for as little as one day had a permanent effect on their social development although not on other aspects of their development
  • What is another weakness(Rutter)
    -Rutter (1976) argues that Bowlby muddled deprivation with privation and that the long term effect associated with deprivation was more likely to have been caused by privation
    -therefore it may be dude to the fact that the children have never formed an attachment rather than having one and it being broken