
Cards (42)

  • What was the courts role
    Anyone who attended was apart of king upper society
  • what was the privy council
    apointed by king changed from kings council
  • what was the privy chamber
    part of household and become the minions
  • What was apart of the privy council
    20 men who advice the king, Charles Brandon, wolsey, cromwell
  • what was apart of the privy chamber
    more important in Henry 7th reign, prestige and honour
  • parliament role
    extraordinary revenue- taxation
  • Conciliar government role
    Ruling through council
    Broke over foreign policy
  • What was wolseys background
    son of ipswich baker, intelligent and politically savvy
  • what were some of wolseys key roles
    king almoner- 1509
    archbishop of York - 1514
    cardinal - 1515
    chancellor - 1515
    papal legate - 1518
  • what was the majority of Wolsey’s work
    foreign policy
  • wolseys legal reforms
    Inheritance wills and land trusts
  • what was the star chamber
    Delt with disorder, riots
    Went from 12 cases to 120 per year
  • Wolseys image
    friend to the poor
    ignored outcomes when it affected Wolsey himself
  • Wolseys finance reforms
    fifteens and tenths couldnt be exploited
    Tudor subsidy
    national survey 1522- survey 200,000
  • Amicable grant
    needed more money to defeat tax
    made Henry unpopular
  • Futher financial changes
    1526- recoinage
    1526- Eltham ordinances
  • nobility changes
    created a network of informants to intimidate
    1519 and 1526- unsuccessful remove minions
  • Buckingham downfall
    Wolsey neutralises other influence e
    executed 17may 1421
  • Thomas Moore character
    Lawyer and scholar
    Diplomatic events
  • Thomas more role
    chancellor - 1529
    attack Wolsey - 1529
    Protestant heretic - 1531-32
    resigned - 1532
    refuse oath of supremecy - 1534
    executed- 1535
  • What did Thomas Cromwell do
    shaped system of governemnt
    How taxes were paid
  • parliament role
    huge change
    Rarely used
  • parliament of 1529
    Unlike any other parliament
    In session or 7 years
    Extensively by Cromwell
  • impact of 1529 parliament
    More experienced mps
    legislating in new areas
  • composition of House of Lords
    51 peers
    21 bishops
    29 abbots
  • after the dissolution House of Lords
    51 peers
    0 abbots
    29 bishops
  • House of Commons composition
    310 members
    74 representing English counties
    236 representing towns
  • house of commons after dissolution
    310 members
    74 representing counties
    14 given right to elect MPS
  • financial management
    court of augmentations - control lands and finances
    court of general surveyors - initially handed monastic land
    court of first fruit and tenths- collect money
    court of ward- collect money from anyone under 21 inheriting land
  • groom of the stool one - William cromption
    Wolsey got rid of him
    Eltham ordinances
    died in 1528
  • groom of the stool 2 - Henry Norris
    1526- 1536
    wolsey helped him
    help close the bolyen faction
  • groom of the stool 4
    close with Edward and have seymore
    tried to influence will
  • Anne boleyns role
    married Henry 1533
    gave birth to Elizabeth 7 September 1533
    Miscariage 1534
    Catherine of Aragon died 1536 solidifying her power
  • Annes trial
    2 may 1536 - Anne arrested
    trial oversaw by her uncle, due of Norfolk
    charged with adultery, insest and treason
    15 may 1536 - marriage deemed void
    executed 19 may 1536
  • Jane seymore
    Henry married jan seymore 11 days after Anne
    12 october 1537 - prince edwad died
    24 October 1537 jane dies
  • factions depend
    conservatives (duke of Norfolk) v reformer ( Cranmer)
  • Cromwell v Howard
    cromwell wanted religous changes caused Norfolk of disloyalty.
    Norfolk opposed religous changes and called Cromwell a liar
  • Cromwell role
    Cromwell tried to reconcile henry to eagle of schmalkadlden
    Anne of cleaves and Henry married 6 January 1540
    Henry was unhappy
  • cromwells downfall
    Norfolk and Winchester plotted downfall
    henry and Anne marriage annulled 9 July 1540
    Cromwell arrested at council meeting 10 july 1540
    Cromwell behaved 28 July 1540
  • events of 28 July 1540
    marriage between howard and Henry
    Catherine age 15-19 Henry was 49