Cards (12)

  • Aim?
    -Rutter (2010) was investigating whether or not the effects of institutionalisation could be reversed with loving and nurturing care
  • What was the method
    -longitudinal study incorporating a quasi experiment
  • How many orphans were there and how were they assessed
    -165 and they were assessed including head circumference height and cognitive functioning before arriving for adoption in Britain
  • They were assessed again at ages..
    -there was also a control group of 52 British adopted children to use as a comparison
  • What was condition 1
    -children were adopted before the age of 6 months
  • what was condition 2
    -children were adopted between ages of 6 months and 2 years
  • what was condition 3
    -children were adopted after 2 years
  • What were the findings
    -50% of the romain orphans had low IQ
    -all were underweight (deprivation dwarfism)
    -control group had neither of these issues
  • At the age of 11 the mean IQ score for those adopted
    before the age of 6 months was
    -102 compared wit those adopted between 6 months and 2 years who had a mean iq score of 86,those adopeted after 2 years had a mean IQ of 77
  • In terms of attachment those adopted after 6 months showed signs of
    -disinhibited attachment which include symptoms and attention seeking behaviour directed towards all adults even strangers
  • Rutter stated that disinhibited attachment was an adaption to
    -having multiple caregivers during the sensitive period
  • Define institutionalisation
    -effects of growing up in orphanage