Cards (5)

  • What is a strength (support for deprivation dwarfism)
    -appears that emotional deprivation depresses the endocrine system and the production of the growth hormone
    -when the children are then placed in homes where they received love and affection secretion of the growth hormone rapidly resume and they display catch up growth even if they continue on same diet (Gardener 1972)
    -supports Rutter's claim that dd is a result of lack of emotional care
  • What is a strength?(real world application that have lead to improvements in how we care for children in institutions
    -e.g Childrens homes will avoid having large numbers of caregivers for each child.
    -they work with one or two key workers who play a central role
    -this gives a child a chance to develop normal attachment and avoid disinhibited attachment
  • What is a weakness
    -Llyod and turner point out that Romanian Orphans faced much more than emotional deprivation
    -physical conditions were appalling which impacted on health as well as a lack of cognitive stimulation
    -they argue that damage seen is more likely to occur when there are multiple factors involved therefore we cannot generalise findings to other institutions
  • What is another weakness? (data was not followed into adult hood)
    -There is a lack of data from the Romanian orphans in their adult lives
    -This raises questions about the long-term impacts of institutionalisation such as:
    -mental health
    -forming adult relationships, including marriage and parenthood
    -maintaining employment and careers
    -This means that the children who had not progressed in line with the control groups may have done so if the data had been gathered into adulthood
  • What is a strength (several studies have similar findings)
    -Zeanah et al (2005) compared 12-31 month old children who were institutionalised to a control group.
    -the institutionalised children showed significant sings of disinhibited attachment
    -this supports as it gives further evidence for the effects of institutionalisation