Cards (211)

  • Progesterone can cause thick cervical mucus.
  • The oviducts are commonly affected in PID.
  • Ectopic pregnancy can present with a mass on the left side, knife-like stabbing pain, radiates to the shoulder, and is unilateral.
  • Ritgen’s Maneuver is performed in the first maneuver for crowning.
  • The fundal grip is the second maneuver in Ritgen’s Maneuver.
  • The umbilical grip is the third maneuver in Ritgen’s Maneuver.
  • The pawlik’s grip is the fourth maneuver in Ritgen’s Maneuver.
  • Engagement is the fourth maneuver in Ritgen’s Maneuver.
  • Cephalic prominence is a battleground in Ritgen’s Maneuver.
  • A umbilical cord inserted at the edge of the placenta is a battleground in Ritgen’s Maneuver.
  • Accreta is a battleground in Ritgen’s Maneuver.
  • Succenturia is a battleground in Ritgen’s Maneuver.
  • Circumvallata is a battleground in Ritgen’s Maneuver.
  • McRobert’s Maneuver is a delivery method in shoulder dystocia in cephalic delivery.
  • Glycogen is broken down by lactose-fermenting bacteria that penetrate the vagina, producing lactic acid which makes the usual pH of the vagina acidic, a condition detrimental to the growth of pathologic bacteria, so that even though the vagina connects directly to the external surface, infection does not readily occur.
  • Obstetric conjugate is the smallest AP diameter, pelvis 11 cm or more, which is the most important AP diameter of the pelvis.
  • Types of pelvis include gynecoid with 50% pelvic brim as a transverse ellipse, most favourable for delivery, android pelvis with a triangular pelvic brim, anthropoid pelvis with a pelvic brim as an anteroposterior ellipse, and platypelloid pelvis with a transverse kidney-shaped pelvic brim.
  • Physiological tasks of pregnancy include accepting the pregnancy in the first trimester, accepting the baby in the second trimester, and preparing for parenthood in the third trimester.
  • Germ layers include ectoderm which includes sense organs and brain, endoderm which includes the lining of GI and also liver, mesoderm which includes uterus, ovaries, blood cells, and the heart.
  • Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) is the glucose challenge test that measures your body’s response to sugar (glucose) at 24-28 weeks.
  • Pyrosis, also known as heartburn, is a burning sensation along the esophagus caused by regurgitation of gastric contents into the lower esophagus, which may accompany early nausea in pregnancy.
  • Brandt and Andrews Maneuver is a delivery method for the placenta.
  • Crede’s Maneuver is a delivery method for the fetal head in breech.
  • Obstetric conjugate is the narrowest AP diameter of the pelvis.
  • True pelvis lies below linea terminalis.
  • False pelvis lies above linea terminalis to direct fetus in the true pelvis.
  • Lack of engagement at the beginning of labor, a prolonged first stage of labor, and poor fetal descent are suggested as danger signs that signify impending rupture of the lower uterine segment if the obstruction to labor is not relieved.
  • Dystocia is a difficult labor related to a mechanical factor, such as uterine inertia, which is characterized by slow and weak contractions.
  • Hypertonic uterine dysfunction or primary uterine inertia is characterized by painful, latent phase contractions that are too frequent but uncoordinated.
  • Complication of dystocia can lead to fetal distress or death, maternal exhaustion, and uterine rupture.
  • Management of dystocia includes giving sedative valium or diazepam (muscle relaxant).
  • Hypotonic uterine dysfunction or secondary uterine inertia is characterized by weak and infrequent contractions.
  • Management of hypotonic uterine dysfunction includes giving oxytocin, amniotomy, augmentation of labor, or cesarean section if the contracted pelvis is present.
  • Maternal mortality is the most common cause of death due to postpartum hemorrhage.
  • The MDG target for reduction of maternal mortality by 80/100,000 live births (MDG5) includes a 2/3 reduction of child mortality rate (MDG4).
  • Direct obstetric deaths are deaths resulting from obstetric complications, interventions, omission, or incorrect treatment.
  • Indirect obstetric deaths are deaths from previous existing disease or disease developed during pregnancy, which is not due to direct obstetric deaths but is aggravated by physiological effects of pregnancy.
  • The three delays in obstetric care are: delay in decision to seek care, delay in reaching care, and delay in receiving adequate health care.
  • Categories of medical eligibility criteria for contraceptive use include category 1 for which there is no restriction for the use of the contraceptive method, category 2 for which the advantages of using the method generally outweigh the theoretical or proven risks, category 3 for which the theoretical or proven risks usually outweigh the advantages of using the method, and category 4 for which the method represents an unacceptable health risk.
  • Heartburn management includes avoiding milk, avoiding greasy and fatty foods, magnesium and aluminum hydroxide, and only small frequent feeding.