place cotton wool into three petri dishes and then soak them with equal volumes of water
control variable - volume of water
2. place 10 of given seeds in each dish
3. leave the dishes in a warm place and allow seeds to germinate
4. water seeds everyday with same volume of water. after a few days the seeds will germinate
5. make sure there is equal number of germinated seeds in each dish,if not remove some
6. use a ruler to measure the height of each seedling. hold stem to make sure they are straight, do not damage them
7. place each dish in different different conditions. one placed in full sunlight (a bright windowsill) one in partial light (back of a lab) and the other placed in darkness (a cupboard)
8. measure the height of each seedling for 5 days and record results in a table. calculate mean seedling height for each day and a diagram to show effect of different light intensity on each seedling.