Cards (7)

  • What did Bowlby believe
    -attachment was adaptive
    -attachment was a two way process
    -also innate and a biological drive we are born with
  • Attachments must form during..
    -a sensitive period
    -a child is most sensitive to attachment formation up to the age of 2
    -if an infant did not form an attachment during this time they would have difficult doing so later on
  • What is an important mechanism of this process
    -the role of social releasers
    -responses such as cooing crying smiling which elicit a care giving response from parent to child
    -neotenic features (big eyes and baby like features) also do this
  • Bowlby also stated that infants form a monotropic relationship. what is this?
    -One special deep relationship with mother
  • From this relationship
    -an infant forms an internal working model.
    -this is a template of sort and it enables the child to understand what relationships involve and how to have them
  • Bowlby stated that the relationship type you form as a child continues into adulthood
    -he called this the continuity hypothesis
    -the idea that being that a securely attached child will be emotionally and socially competent as an adult but a child with poor childhood relationships will experience difficulties in relationships
  • Bowlby believed that if a child did not form an attachment in the first two years of life then they would...
    -become affectionless psychopaths