A deep, immeasurable space, gulf, or cavity; vast chasm. Anything profound, unfathomable, or infinite
A harsh or jarring sound; dissonance. A chaotic or incongruous mixture; a striking combination
An expression of complete, typically public, disapproval of something
To charge or entreat earnestly or solemnly; to affect, influence, or produce something as if by spell or magic; to imagine or bring to mind; to practice magic
To represent fictitiously; put on an appearance of something. To invent fictitiously or deceptively, as a story or an excuse. To imitate deceptively. To make believe; pretend
Dissent or deviation from a dominant theory, opinion, or practice; an opinion, doctrine, or practice contrary to the truth or to generally accepted beliefs or standards
A low-temperature emission of light
A stately and magnificent tomb. A burial place for the bodies or remains of many individuals, often of a single family, usually in the form of a small building. A large, gloomy, depressing building or room
A gloomy state of mind, especially when habitual or prolonged; sober thoughtfulness, sadness
Roaming about from place to place aimlessly, frequently, or without a fixed pattern of movement
A natural or habitual inclination or tendency, especially towards something objectionable; predisposition
A great quantity or amount (often followed by of). Lavish spending; extravagance
To be reduced to very small particles by crushing, beating, or grinding
To use ambiguous or irrelevant language or arguments to evade a point at issue. The general use of such arguments. Petty or carping criticism; a minor objection
Extremely hungry; famished; voracious. Intensely eager for gratification or satisfaction
The state or quality of being serene, calm, or tranquil
Not flowing or running, as water, air, etc. Stale or foul from standing, as a pool of water. Characterized by lack of development, advancement, or progressive movement. Inactive, sluggish, or dull
To overspread with or as with a light, liquid, color, etc.
To become filled to overflowing. To abound or swarm; be prolific or fertile (usually followed by with)