Cards (63)

  • What organism is responsible for syphilis?
    Treponema pallidum
  • What type of organism is Treponema pallidum?
    It is a spirochete
  • How can dark field microscopy be used in relation to Treponema pallidum?
    It can identify Treponema pallidum
  • Why is dark field microscopy not routinely used anymore?
    There are more convenient diagnostic methods
  • What does the letter 'S' on the paladin's armor represent?
    Syphilis as a sexually transmitted infection
  • What is the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction?
    A febrile reaction after treating syphilis
  • What triggers the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction?
    Destruction of Treponema pallidum
  • What is the mechanism behind the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction?
    Cytokines and lipoproteins are released
  • What are the stages of syphilis?
    Primary, secondary, and tertiary syphilis
  • How can the information about syphilis be compartmentalized?
    • Primary syphilis: Painless genital chancre
    • Secondary syphilis: Maculopapular rash
    • Tertiary syphilis: Severe complications
    • Congenital syphilis: Effects on newborns
  • What does primary syphilis present with?
    A painless genital chancre
  • What is the purpose of non-treponemal tests?
    They are screening tests for syphilis
  • What are the two categories of tests for syphilis?
    Non-treponemal and treponemal tests
  • What are the two main non-treponemal tests?
    VDRL and RPR tests
  • What do non-treponemal tests detect?
    Anti-cardiolipin antibodies - antibodies that are formed in response to lipids that are released following cell damage caused by treponema pallidum
  • Why might a negative non-treponemal test not rule out syphilis?
    It may take weeks to generate antibodies
  • What is the main confirmatory test for syphilis and what is it based on?
    Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test - based upon the detection of antibodies directed against treponema pallidum antigens
  • When should CSF be tested in syphilis patients?
    If neurological symptoms are present
  • What is the relationship between antibodies and the arrow in the scene?
    The arrow symbolizes antibodies targeting pathogens
  • What does secondary syphilis present with?
    Maculopapular rash on trunk and extremities
  • What is condylomata lata?
    A wart-like lesion in secondary syphilis
  • What does the beaded net held by the soldier represent?
    The lymphatic system ad that secondary syphilis may present with lymphadenopathy
  • What is the role of cytokines and lipoproteins in the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction?
    They are released upon organism destruction
  • Why is the painless genital shanker significant in primary syphilis?
    It is a key symptom for diagnosis
  • Why is it important to perform both non-treponemal and treponemal tests?
    To confirm an active Treponema pallidum infection
  • What are the characteristics of the maculopapular rash in secondary syphilis?
    Involves trunk, palms, and soles
  • What are the implications of testing CSF in suspected neurosyphilis cases?
    To detect central nervous system involvement
  • What skin manifestation may occur in secondary syphilis?
    Maculopapular rash
  • Where does the maculopapular rash typically appear in secondary syphilis?
    On the trunk, palms, and soles
  • What is a characteristic lesion of secondary syphilis?
    Condylomata lata
  • What does the beaded net represent in the context of secondary syphilis?
    The lymphatic system
  • What is a common presentation of secondary syphilis related to lymph nodes?
  • What does patchy hair loss indicate in secondary syphilis?
    It may present as a symptom
  • What unique type of granuloma is associated with tertiary syphilis?
  • Where can gummas be found in tertiary syphilis?
    On the skin or internally
  • What complication of tertiary syphilis is indicated by a hat on Ganondorf?
  • What does neurosyphilis refer to?
    Invasion of the CNS
  • What condition is associated with damage to the dorsal columns in tertiary syphilis?
    Tabes dorsalis
  • What sensory functions are affected in tabes dorsalis?
    Proprioception and vibration
  • What does a tree-like structure represent in tertiary syphilis?