
Cards (83)

  • Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages sometimes through spoken or written words, and sometimes non-verbally through facial expressions, gestures, and voice qualities.
  • Communication is the process of using messages to generate meaning.
  • Communication is a process of sharing opinions and information, ideas and feelings.
  • In its simplest form, communication is the transmission of a message from a source to receiver.
  • The process of communication implies continuity in the content of communication, one never stops from communicating as it is an ongoing activity.
  • Communication is represented by language and in Ober and Newman’s, it is indicated by spoken or written words and facial expressions, gestures and voice qualities.
  • Communication can be viewed as an end in itself, meaning that when people communicate, they attach meaning to the symbols.
  • People involved in the communication process assume two rules - both as sources and receivers of the message.
  • The message in communication is the verbal and non-verbal form of the idea, thought, or feelings that one intends to communicate to another person or group of people.
  • The channel in communication refers to the means with which the message is delivered.
  • Feedback in communication is the receiver’s verbal and non-verbal response to the source’s message.
  • In the context of communication, code refers to how a computer recognizes the message it receives via the keyboard of its users.
  • Comparison and Contrast – D discusses similarities and differences between persons, things, events, or ideas.
  • Cause and Effect – D discusses the reason of a state condition, or a phenomenon and its consequences or results.
  • Narration – Tells a story in the order of occurrence.
  • The Essay in a Three-Pole Frame: Personal (Autobiographical) – When a writer utilizes autobiography to describe what he wants to convey.
  • Concrete-Particular (Objective Factual) – When a writer anchors his judgements and perceptions on relevant and factual data.
  • Abstract-Universal – When a writer relies on better abstractions than on personal experiences of facts.
  • Three Major Reasons Why Essays are Written: To Inform, To Explain, To Persuade.
  • Encoding and decoding in communication refer to how a computer recognizes the message it receives via the keyboard of its users.
  • Noise in communication refers to any interference in the encoding and decoding processes which affect the clarity and understanding of a message.
  • The Communication Process can be understood by answering the five questions provided by Harold Laswell (1948).
  • Proxemics refers to the study of the use of space in communication.
  • Personal space is the distance one consciously maintains when interacting with others.
  • Territorial space is the physical space which implies your sense of authority and ownership.
  • Acoustic space is the area where the voice of the speaker is either heard or not.
  • Chronemics refers to how people perceive and value time.
  • Globalization is a term that implies the growth of economic, political and cultural assimilation and interconnectedness of different cultures which result in the integration of people across the globe.
  • Mediation in communication has evolved significantly over the years, with the most significant development being the advent of smartphones and the accessibility of the internet that has made communication fast, accessible, virtual, and global.
  • Communication purpose goes beyond conveying intended messages for human discourse, it is communicating for various purposes.
  • Purposive Communication is transactional communication that involves social and technical communication.
  • Written Communication is the foundation for effectively communicating through written materials, whatever the audience and whatever the purpose.
  • Paragraph development involves explaining the meaning of a concept or an idea by showing the details, giving examples, describing, analyzing using symbols, antonyms and like; explains technical terms or jargon.
  • Classification in writing involves breaking down information into parts in order to simplify a concept or to explain a series of things by discussing their individual parts.
  • Process writing describes a series of connected actions chronologically, in which the outcome is a product, a natural phenomenon, a mechanical process, or an effect of some kind.
  • Shannon and Weaver’s Model was modified in 1949 by Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver, adding noise as a component.
  • The interactive model is a contract with the linear one which considers communication as flowing only in one direction, from a sender to a receiver.
  • The transactional model was adapted from Wood (1997) in response to the failure of the interactive model to portray the dynamism of human communication.
  • Communication is transactional, a two way process which involves an exchange when a message is sent, a reply is expected.
  • Communication is inevitable, it is impossible not to communicate, the moment you wakeup, you already start communicating by merely thinking how your day will look like.