Mercator map projection is accurate in terms of direction but inaccurate in other aspects.
Robinson map projection is inaccurate in all aspects.
Azimuthal map projection is a type of map.
Gall-Peters map projection is a type of map.
Cartogram is a type of map.
Dot-Density map is a type of map.
Reference map is a type of map.
Choropleth map is a type of map.
Isoline map is a type of map.
Proportional symbol map is a type of map.
Remote Sensing is the acquisition of data about Earth’s surface from a satellite orbiting Earth or from other long-distance methods.
GPS accurately determines the precise position of something on Earth.
GIS is a computer system that can capture, store, analyze, and display geography data.
Human Geography is a branch of geography that studies the various aspects of the human condition.
Physical Geography is a branch of geography that studies the physical features of Earth.
Geographic Scale is the extent of a feature’s spread over space (clustered vs dispersed).
Map scale is the size of a map to the extent of the features it represents.
Map projection is the scientific method of transferring locations on Earth’s surface to a flat map.
Distribution is the study of where and why human activities are located where they are.
Density is the extent of a feature’s spread over space (clustered vs dispersed).
Concentration is the extent of a feature’s spread over space (clustered vs dispersed).
Pattern is the arrangement of a feature in space.
Relative location is the location in relation to other places.
Absolute location is the location in relation to Earth’s surface.
Absolute distance is the distance from one point to another on Earth’s surface.
Relative distance is the distance from one point to another on Earth’s surface.
Time-space convergence is the process by which a characteristic spreads across space from one place to another over time.
Both provide a good compromise among distortions of shape, size, direction and distance.
Both display latitude and longitude accurately.
Both are useful for comparing the physical area of a country.
Remote sensing is the term that refers to the collection of geospatial data through the use of satellite imagery.
George Perkins Marsh argued that cultural landscapes should form the basic unit of geographic inquiry.
A perceptual region’s boundaries are determined by the functions that occur between a particular place and the surrounding area.
A ratio of the number of items within a defined unit of area measures dispersion.
The site of Manhattan is an island bordered by the Hudson and East Rivers.
Thematic maps that employ a range of color tones to illustrate how particular values vary across predefined areas, such as counties, provinces, or states, are referred to as choropleth maps.
Human and physical geography have in common that they are concerned with where things occur and why they occur where they do.
Human and physical geography are also both primarily focused on managing the world's growing human population.
The coordinates 170 W longitude, 11 S latitude are just west of the International Date Line and just north of the equator.
The acquisition of data about Earth's surface from a satellite, spacecraft, or specially equipped high-altitude balloon is referred to as remote sensing.