Christianson & Hubinette (1993) study directly contradicts, as they found evidence of enhanced recall when they questioned 58 real witnesses to bank robberies in Sweden- witnesses were either employees or customers (victims or bystanders) & found that all witnesses showed generally good memories of the robbery itself.
Witnesses who most anxious (victims) had best recall of all. Study shows anxiety does not reduce accuracy of recall (interviews conducted 4-15 months after robberies)
Influences on Eyewitness Testimony:
Anxiety: stress can affect accuracy.
Yerkes-Dodson Law: performance is related to arousal level (of anxiety).
As anxiety increases, performance of recall increases up to a point, when extremely stressed, this decreases performance.
On a graph, a bell-shaped curve is depicted with low arousal at bottom left point, medium arousal at highest & high arousal at bottom right point- with performance at the side.
Evaluation of Anxiety Affecting EWT Accuracy- Weakness:
Pickel 1998 proposed that Weapon Focus may not be caused by anxeity, but rather due to surprise.
To test this, she arranged for PPs to watch a thief enter a hairdressing salon carrying scissors (high threat, low surprise), hand gun (high threat, high surprise), wallet (low threat, low surprise) or a raw chicken (low threat, high surprise).
Identification was least accurate in the high surprise conditions rather than high threat.
Supports the view that the Weapon Focus Effect is related to surprise rather than anxiety.
Evaluation of Anxiety Affecting EWT Accuracy- Weakness:
The impact of individual differences.
Bothwell suggested that neurotic personalities are more prone to impacts of anxiety than stable personalities.
PPs tested were labelled with 'neurotic' or 'stable' & it was found that the 'stable' PPs showed rising levels of accuracy as stress levels increased, whereas the opposite was true for neurotics- their accuracy levels decreased as stress increased.
Therefore, personality might be a more important factor than anxiety when impacting accuracy of EWT.