
Cards (9)

  • Define Condensation:
    A reaction that occurs when two molecules are joined together with
    the removal of water
  • Define Hydrolysis:
    A reaction that occurs when molecules are split into smaller molecules with the addition of water
  • How does condensation happen?
    The hydroxyl group from one monomer joins together with the hydrogen from another forming water
  • Condensation and Hydrolysis are metabolic reactions
  • State the Properties of Water:
    • Cohesion
    • Adhesion
    • Capillary action
    • good Solvent
    • ice is less dense than water
    • High specific heat capacity
    • high latent heat of vaporisation
    • reactant
  • In water, oxygen is slightly more negative and hydrogen is slightly more positive
  • What are the greek symbol meaning 'slight' negative and positive charge called?
    • δ- (delta electronegative charge)
    δ+ (delta electropositive charge)
  • Describe the formation of a hydrogen bond between two molecules of water:
    hydrogen bonds form between the electropositive hydrogen atom and the lone pairs of electrons on the adjacent electronegative oxygen atom
  • State and explain the property relating to density of water that contributes to the survival of organisms.
    • ice is less dense than water
    • ice acts as an insulating layer = prevents the body of water from freezing, maintains its temperature, aquatic organisms can continue moving, oxygen and resources can continue circulating
    • Provides a habitat for organisms
    • allows organisms to float = buoyancy