Navigation Commands

Cards (11)

  • The 'help' command is used to list commands in a system.
  • The 'dir' command is used to list files and folders in a directory.
  • You can use the /? command followed by the command name to get help on a specific command.

    E.g., netstat/?
  • The cd (chdir) command is used to move from one folder to another.
  • The md command is used to make new folders.
  • The rd (rmdir) command is used to delete empty folders.
  • The 'del' command is used to delete files.
  • The 'tree' command is used to list files and folders within the current folder and all subfolders.
  • You can use the drive navigation inputs, such as 'C:' or 'D:', to navigate to a specific drive.
  • The winver command shows the Windows version.
  • cd \ : Change to root directory