list of culture media

Cards (12)

  • Acetate agar
    • Use: Differential medium [E.coli from Shigella spp.]
    • Principle & Components:
    • Acetate: carbon source
    • Amm. salt: nitrogen source
    • Bromthymol blue: green to blue
    • Results:
    • (+) growth: Escherichia spp. & Enterobacteriaceae
    • (-) growth: Shigella, Proteus, and Providencia spp.
  • Alkaline peptone water
    • Use: Enrichment medium for Vibrio and Aeromonas spp. (required)
    • Principle & Components:
    • Alkaline pH: Uninhibited replication of organisms while temporarily suppressing the replication of others
    • Uses: provide fatty acids
  • American Trudeau Society Medium (ATSM)
    • Use: Enriched medium used for the isolation of M. tuberculosis
    • Principle & Components:
    • Potatoes: provide a carbon source
    • Malachite green: inhibitory for normal bacterial flora
    • Results: Dark brown or black colonies
  • Bacteroides Bile Esculin Agar (BBEA)
    • Use: Selective differential agar to isolate and identify group D streptococci and enterococci
    • Principle & Components:
    • Bile: separates bile-resistant species from bile-sensitive ones (no growth)
    • 1% esculin: ability (+) or inability (-) to hydrolyze esculin
    • Oxgall: inhibits the growth of most gram-positive organisms
    • Esculin: ability (+) or inability (-) to hydrolyze esculin
    • Esculin/oxgall: detect vancomycin-resistant streptococci & enterococci
  • Bismuth Sulfite Agar
    • Use: Selective medium for the isolation of Salmonella spp.
    • Principle & Components:
    • Inhibit gram (+) organisms
    • Brilliant green & bismuth: gram inhibits gram (+) bacteria enriching Salmonella normal flora
    • Results: S. gallinarum, choleraesuis & paratyphi (light green)
  • Blood Agar, Anaerobic, CDC
    • Use: Standard medium for the isolation of fastidious anaerobes
    • Principle & Components: Hemin and base, yeast extract, L-cysteine, hemin, sheep blood and vitamin K1
  • Blood Agar, Anaerobic, Brucella Basic, Wadsworth, Etc.
    • Use: Useful enrichment medium for the isolation of moderately fastidious, obligate anaerobes
    • Principle & Components: Sheep's blood: enrichment; vitamin K1 and hemin
  • Blood Agar, Anaerobic, with Kanamycin and Vancomycin (KV)
    • Use: Selective enrichment medium for the isolation of species of Bacteroides spp. and Prevotella melanogenica
  • Blood Agar, Anaerobic, Laked, with Kanamycin, Vancomycin, and Vitamin K (KVL)
    • Use: Primary isolation of obligate gram-negative anaerobes, particularly Bacteroides spp.
    • Principle & Components: Kanamycin & vancomycin: inhibit all cocci & facultative gram (-) bacilli, except the pseudomonads
  • Blood Agar, Rabbit
    • Use: Enrichment medium in recovery and the demonstration of β-hemolysis by Haemophilus spp. and Gardnerella vaginalis
  • Blood Agar, Sheep
    • Use: Routine medium to cultivate moderately fastidious organisms
    • Principle & Components: Infusion agar or tryptic soy agar base + 5% to 10% defibrinated sheep, rabbit, or human blood; yeast extract, hemin, vitamin K, and defibrinated sheep blood enrichment
  • Phenylethyl Alcohol Agar, Anaerobic, CDC (PEA)
    • Use: Selective enrichment medium for isolation of Bacteroides, Prevotella, and other obligate anaerobes from specimens containing a mixture of obligate and facultative anaerobes
    • Principle & Components: Infusion agar or tryptic soy agar base + 5% to 10% defibrinated sheep, rabbit, or human blood; yeast extract, hemin, vitamin K, and defribinated sheep blood; enrichment; phenylethyl alcohol: inhibits facultative gram (-) anaerobes by suppressing DNA synthesis and cell division