Use: Standardmedium for the isolation of fastidiousanaerobes
Principle & Components: Hemin and base, yeast extract, L-cysteine,hemin, sheepblood and vitaminK1
Blood Agar, Anaerobic,BrucellaBasic, Wadsworth, Etc.
Use: Useful enrichmentmedium for the isolation of moderatelyfastidious,obligateanaerobes
Principle & Components: Sheep'sblood: enrichment;vitaminK1 and hemin
Blood Agar, Anaerobic, with Kanamycin and Vancomycin (KV)
Use: Selectiveenrichmentmedium for the isolation of species of Bacteroides spp. and Prevotellamelanogenica
Blood Agar, Anaerobic, Laked, with Kanamycin,Vancomycin, and VitaminK (KVL)
Use: Primary isolation of obligate gram-negative anaerobes, particularly Bacteroides spp.
Principle & Components: Kanamycin & vancomycin: inhibit all cocci & facultativegram (-) bacilli, except the pseudomonads
Blood Agar, Rabbit
Use: Enrichmentmedium in recovery and the demonstration of β-hemolysis by Haemophilus spp. and Gardnerellavaginalis
Blood Agar, Sheep
Use: Routine medium to cultivate moderatelyfastidiousorganisms
Principle & Components: Infusionagar or trypticsoy agar base + 5% to 10% defibrinated sheep, rabbit, or human blood; yeast extract, hemin, vitamin K, and defibrinated sheep blood enrichment
PhenylethylAlcohol Agar, Anaerobic, CDC (PEA)
Use: Selectiveenrichmentmedium for isolation of Bacteroides,Prevotella, and other obligateanaerobes from specimens containing a mixture of obligate and facultative anaerobes
Principle & Components: Infusion agar or tryptic soy agar base + 5% to 10% defibrinated sheep, rabbit, or human blood; yeast extract, hemin, vitamin K, and defribinated sheep blood; enrichment; phenylethylalcohol: inhibits facultative gram (-) anaerobes by suppressing DNA synthesis and cell division