Absolute/subsistence poverty refers to the poor who are unable to attainfood (in sufficient quantities to satisfy their basicnutritionalrequirements) and non-food items (such as clothing and shelter) necessary for survival.
Critical poverty refers to people who are unable to obtainfoodnecessary for survival.
Relative poverty refers to those who are poor compared to or ‘relative to’ other members of the samesociety.
Definitions of subjective poverty are based on surveys that use the households’ own assessments of the minimum or ‘just enough’ levels of income or consumption needed by people like them.
Chronic poverty is a type of poverty that is characterized by its permanence or duration.
Chronic poverty describes people who remain in poverty for most or all of their lives.
Cyclical poverty describes poverty experienced only during stages of an individual’s life cycle, such as during childhood or old age.
Seasonal poverty refers to people whose income falls below the povertyline only during certain months of the year.
The term ‘temporarily poor’ refers to those who have recently become poorafter certain measures such as structural adjustment.
Voluntary poverty refers to poverty that is viewed as being desirable or necessary.
Many people equate voluntary poverty to simplifying their lifestyles or adhering to the ‘less is more’ concept.