Earths early atmosphere formed by volcanic activity
INtense volcanicactivity erased gases that formed the early atmosphere
As plants spread over the earth, the levels of oxygen in the atmposphere increased
As the earth cooled down the water vapour in the atmosphere condensed to form oceans
Algae used energy transferred as light waves from the sun to photosynthesise
Photosynthesis by algae and plants decreased the percentage of CO2
Formation of sedimentary rocks and fossil fuels that contains carbon removed CO2 from the atmosphere
Fossil fuelscoal, crude oil and natural gas were formed from plant and animal remains
approximate 80%nitrogen and 20%oxygen
Carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour are greenhouse gases
Burning of fossil fuels increased carbon dioxide intake of our atmosphere
Deforestation means less CO2 is removed from air as photosynthesis is reduced
increasing amounts of methane is due to animal farming leading to more emissions and decomposing of waste so more decomposition of rubbish in landfills
consequences of rising lvls of greenhouse gases are rising se levels, more storms, flooding and meting ice caps
carbon footprint is the total amount of CO2 and other greenhouse gases emitted over its full life cycle
Biofuels are carbon neutral as 100% of the carbon dioxide released during combustion is reabsorbed by plants
Particulates can cause lung damage
At the high temperatures produced when fuels burn, oxygen and nitrogen in the air may combine to form nitrogen oxides which cause acid rain
Incomplete combustion of hydrocarbons are carbon monoxide, unburnt hydrocarbons and particulates that contain soot (carbon)