Monotropy- child forms an attachment to oneprimarycaregiver. The more consistent a child'scare, the betterquality attachment
Critical period is from 6 months to 2.5 years, an attachmentmust be formed in this time
Social releasers are behaviours [ smiling, cooing and gripping] which encourageattention from adults in order to buildarelationship
Internal working model - a child's firstattachment [ primary caregiver] serves as a model for futurerelationships
If a child has a bad firstattachment, futurerelationships will be impacted
A strength if bowlbys theory is researchsupporting how the relationshipwiththecaregiverimpactsfuturerelationships
A strength of bowlbys theory is its reallifeapplications in childcare to aidattachment
A weakness of bowlbys theory is that research [schaffer and emmerson] show that childrenareable to formmultipleattachments, contradicting the monotropictheory
A weakness of bowlbys theory is that supporting research [ lorenz ] is ungeneralisable to humans as it is an animalstudy