Lorenz studied goslings by taking half of the clutch and putting them inanincubator. The incubator goslings followedhimaround as they had imprinted on him
Imprinting - animals attach to the firstmovingthingtheysee, this effects matingpreferenceslater in life
One strength of lorenz's study is that the resultsarerepeatable
One weakness of lorenz's study is that imprinting my be reversible as it is notdifferent from other kindsoflearning
Harlow researched young monkeysattachment to two ' mothers '.
cloth, which wassoft but had nomilk, and wire, which was notsoft but hadmilk.
The monkeys stayed on cloth the most and ran to it for comfort
Harlows study suggests that infants developanattachment to whoever gives them contactcomfort, not who feeds them.
One weakness of harlows study is that the facesofthe ' mothers ' were different, making a confoundingvariable
One weakness of harlows research is that its results may notbegeneralisable to humans as only animals were used