The strange situation is a controlledobservation, designed to test the quality of infant-caregiver attachment
The behaviours tested by the strange situation:
Securebase / exploration
Stranger anxiety
Separation anxiety
Reunion response
Order of events for strange situation
Baby encouragedtoexplore
Strangertalks to caregiver and approachesBaby
CaregiverleavesBaby with Stranger
Caregiver returns, Stranger leaves
Caregiver leaves Babyalone
Stranger returns
Caregiver returns
A secure attachment [~ 60-75%] will have
Secure base behaviour
Acceptconfort in reunion
Insecure avoidance attachment [~ 20-25%]
Explore but no proximity seeking
Little stranger anxiety
Mayavoidcontact in reunion
Insecure resistant attachments [~3%]
Proximityseeking but lessexploration
High separationanxiety
Rejectscomfort in reunion
A strength of the strange situation is its good inter-rater reliability.
clearcategories for behaviour and standardised method makes it highly replicable
A weakness of the strange situation is that it is culture-bound. The test and behaviours are basedonAmericannorms, so it has lowgeneralisability
A strength of the strange situation is its high predictive value. Securelyattached infants will go on and have lastingrelationships as an adult. Those who were insecurelyattached tend to have mentalhealth and relationship problems.
[ internal working model based on firstattachment ]
A weakness of the strange situation is that it found 3typesofattachment when there may be 4.
Main and Solomon [1986] found disorganisedattachment, which has a mixofavoidant and resistant behaviors