Social and cultural developments 1918 - 1928

Cards (12)

  • what changes are made to marriage
    • 1917 divorce law terminates marriages due to incompatability and one party needed
    • 25x higher divorce rate
    • Weaponised by men to leave children and women - domestic violence and rape becomes common due to housing shortage
  • what are impacts on children?
    • 7 - 9 million orphaned due to war
    • stealing and prostitution arises
  • how were women in the workforce impacted
    • Same percentage of women in industry as tsar times
    • Women went from skilled to unskilled to prostitution
    • eight hours at work and five at home whilst men did nothing
  • Lenin believed you couldn’t seperate education from communism acceptance
    • shouldn’t be neutral
    • cleanse students of bourgeoise
  • what changes were made to education
    • Schools put under comissar for enlightenment control and centralise education
    • Tecahers lost authority and became assistants
  • what was the impact of eduction changes
    • Teachers couldnt discipline or set homework
    • Weren’t familiar with new methods
    • students still ended up on streets
    • teachers paid 1/4 of workers pay
    • nearly 50% kids still belied in god and developed negative attitudes to communism
  • how wa illiteracy tackled
    • 8-50 had to learn to read or write
    • Proseution entailed
    • 5 million European Russians went to courses
    • drops by 15% by 1927
  • how does he tackle youth groups =?
    • 40 million members all together by 1927 but not effective enough
  • what was Lenin belief on religion
    • Aethiest
    • backwards and underpinned exploitation
    • brings conflict with church
  • what did Lenin tackle religion with
    • decree of seperation of church and state e
    • all church members are bourgeoise
    • propoganda campaign
    • debates in newspapers
    • over 8000 killed in resistance and thousands of priest arrested
  • more than 55% called themselves Christian’s
  • agitational art is pushed
    • October film is pushed which exaggerated Bolshevik takeover