Offensive against kulaks

Cards (10)

  • kulaks were up to officials to decide and they essentially rid themselves of enterprising peasants and development as they’d kill catttle and sell machinery
  • facade to rid opposition and anyone who disliked collectivisation
  • class warfare keeps control
  • officials given quotas and made them up
    • counter revolutionaries
    • active opponents
    • minor offenders
  • gulags are formed
  • 2 million sent so Siberia in first year
  • 3 million families move and dekulak which cause s dire conditions
  • peasants opposition
    • 1930 - 14,000 outbreaks
    • 3000 officials killed
    • slaughtered own animals
    • women revolt and hide horses and grain - specific and hare to deal with
    • Mir is abolished which leads 20 million to move to towns
  • famine
    1932 - 1934 in Ukraine
    • Biggest grain producer
    • State taking double of NEP
    • 5 million die as he doesn’t help or let them move
    • 1933 - 1000 people arrested for hairdressing and stealing grain
  • kholkoz model
    • private plots are accepted
    • 1 cow allowed and 4 sheep
    • 52% vegetables and fruit, meat ad milk provider