Yalta Conference, Feb 1945: discussed the division of Germany and Berlin in 4 zones, formed the UN, and allowed for free elections in central and eastern European countries.
Potsdam Conference, July 1945: decided on the division of Germany and Berlin, banned the Nazi party, and tried former leaders as war criminals.
Atomic Bomb: first bomb dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, killing 70,000 people immediately and thousands more from radiation and severe burns.
Second Atomic Bomb dropped on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945, killing 40,000 people.
Cominform, 1947: aimed to coordinate the various communist governments in eastern Europe, unifying the countries behind the Iron Curtain and ensuring Stalin's dominance.
Comicon, 1949: aimed to coordinate the industries and trade of eastern Europe, giving the USSR a good market to sell goods and stopping countries from trading with the West.
On 7th October 1950, MacArthur invaded North Korea.
From 25th November 1950 to 31st December 1950, 200,000 Chinese troops attacked MacArthur.
The Chinese troops had modern weapons supplied by Russia.
From 31st December 1950 to 2nd March 1951, 500,000 more Chinese troops entered the war and attacked the Americans.
From 2nd March 1951 to 1953, the Americans threatened to use the atomic bomb if China didn’t stop fighting.
The Korean War was the first proxy war of the Cold War and showed how likely to be conducted moving forward.
The dismissal of MacArthur showed that the USA is unwilling to go to a ‘hot’ war, especially now the USSR have their own nuclear weapon.
The American fear about communism is going to grow.
The USA can dominate the UN and raise Soviet suspicions.
The USA is willing to contain communism with violence and is prepared to actively attack it, although they back down.
China enters conflict for the first time and is clearly not going to an Asian Yugoslavia.
Soviet Expansion: the USSR occupied much of eastern Europe, with each country having its own leader but becoming hard for non-communists to gain power.
Iron Curtain: on March 6, 1946, Churchill made his 'Iron Curtain' speech, criticizing the USSR's actions and accusing it of spreading its influence and gaining power at all costs.
Truman Doctrine: on March 12, 1947, Truman made a speech to US Congress, introducing the 'policy of containment' to keep communism in the countries that had already fallen to it and to stop it from spreading further.
Marshall Plan: on April 3, 1948, the Marshall Plan was official, aiming to create a market for American goods for the US economy, aid the economic recovery of Europe, and promote unity in Europe.
Berlin Blockade: by 1948, Germany was working as 2 zones (one by the USSR and the other by UK, USA + France), with Trizonia planning to introduce a new currency 'Deutschmark' which would help stimulate the economy.
Soviet Union wanted a weak Germany instead of a strong and stable Germany, as a new currency would bring Germany closer to capitalism, opposite of what Stalin wanted.
Soviet Union created traffic restrictions to blockade West Berlin, leading to tensions between communists and antis.
Stalin decided on a full blockade.
Khrushchev allowed Hungary to have a limited right to create its own version of communism
The US did not intervene in the Hungarian uprising, leading to a sense of betrayal
The USSR rejected a vote for Soviet troops to withdraw at the UN
200,000 Hungarian refugees fled to Austria
The U-2 Crisis was a confrontation between the US and the Soviet Union
The Berlin Wall was built in 1961 to prevent spies and people from defecting
The usa developed a new atom bomb in 1945.
The ussr did not believe the usa would use weapons against them in 1947.
The ussr exploded an atom bomb in 1949.
The usa exploded a hydrogen bomb in 1952.
The ussr exploded a hydrogen bomb in 1953.
The ussr developed intercontinental ballistic missiles (icbm) for the first time in 1957.
The usa tested their first icbm in 1958.
The usa launched a submarine armed with nuclear missiles (polaris) in 1959.
The ussr detonated the largest bomb the world had ever seen in 1961.