ChE 101

Cards (98)

  • The Chemical Engineering Law of 2004
    RA 9297
  • Title
    An act regulating the practice of chemical engineering and repealing for this purpose the republic act numbered three hundred and eighteen (RA 318), otherwise known as "The Chemical Engineering Law"
  • Policy
    - to supervise and regulate the practice of chemical engineering, vital to national development- to upgrade chemical engineering education, ensuring that the country's chemical engineers are at par with the best in the world- to reserve the practice of the chemical engineering profession to the Filipino citizen
  • Practice of chemical engineering
    - offering professional chemical engineering service for a fee, salary, reward, or compesation, paid directly or through another person, even without such compensation or reward
  • Industrial Plant
    any plant in which unit processes and /or unit operation are involved, including pollution control and abatement processes and operations
  • Unit Process
    involves chemical change in the manufacture of industrial and consumer product and treatment of industrial and chemical waste
  • Unit Operation
    physical operation by which a desired step in an industrial process is conducted or controlled
  • Professional Chemical Engineering Subjects
    - ChE Thermodynamics- ChE Calculations- Physical and Chemical Principles- Industrial Processes- Momentum, Heat, and Mass Transfer- Industrial waste management and control- Process Equipment Design and Plant Design- Bio-chemical engineering and bio engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
    a person duly registered and a holder of valid Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card issued by the Boards of Chemical Engineers and by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC)
  • Scope of Practice
    Professional Chemical Engineering practice should include the following in relation to the industrial plant:- render or offer to render professional chemical engineering service in the form of consultation, investigation, valuation, planning, and designing, and preparation of specifications for or estimates of industrial plants or undertake the supervision of contruction, installation, alteration or operation of industrial plants- Operation including quality management, but not including chemical analysis and operation of a chemical laboratory- Research and Development- Teaching, lecturing, or reviewing of a professional chemical engineering subject in the curriculum of Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering degree or a subject in the Chemical Engineering Licensure Examination given in any school, university, or any other educational institutes shall be considered as a professional chemical engineering service
  • The Chemical Engineering Board
    - Under the administrative control and supervision of Professional Regulation Commission- Composed of chairman and two other members- They are appointed by the President of the Philippines from among those recommended by the Commision from the nominees of the duly integrated and accredited national organization of Chemical Engineers
  • Qualifications of the Regulatory Board
    - Naturally born filipino citizen and resident of the Philippines- A holder of the degree of Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering conferred by a reputable and legally constituted college, institution, or university- A registered chemical engineer in active practice for at least 10 years- A member of good standing of the integrated and duly accredited national chemical engineering profession- Not a member of the faculty of any school, college, university where regular course in chemical engineering or review classes in preparation for Licensure Examination are being offered pr conducted, nor have pecuniary interest in such institutions
  • Terms of Office & Compensation of the Regulatory Board
    - 3 terms with reappointment- Compensation and honorable will be provided according to the rules and regulations of the commission
  • Removal/ Suspension of the Regulatory Board Members
    The Board of Members can be removed or suspended by the commision because of any of the following:- neglect of duty- incompetence- Tolerance of irregularities in the licensure examination- malpractice- unprofessional or unethical conduct
  • Powers & Duties of the Regulatory Board
    - supervise and regulates the practice of the chemical engineering profession- Determine and evaluate the qualifications of the applicants for registration- Prescribes the subjects to be included in the licensure examination, determine the syllabi of the subjects and their respective weights, construct test questions, score and rate the examination papers and submit the examination results to the commission- Together with commision, issues certificate of registrations and Professional Identification Card to applicants who have passed the licensure examination for registered chemical engineers- Issues special certificate to person's admitted to the practice of the profession and certificate of recognition for advance studies and researches and accomplishments in the profession that contribute to its enrichment- Inquires into the conditions affecting the practice of the profession and adopts measures for the enchancement and maintenance for a high professional, ethical, and technical standard- Inspects establishments where chemical engineers practice their proffesion such as factories, plants, offices and the like inorder to determine and enforce compliance with the provisions of the RA 9297 and issues Certificate of Compliance.- In coordination with the Commission on Higher Education (Ched), inspects the facilities, faculty, equipments, and other aspects directly related to the chemical engineering program of educational institutions- Adopts rules and regulations for the practice of chemical engineering- Adopts a Code of Ethics and a Code of Technical Standards for the practice of chemical engineering- Invistigate violation to RA 9297, ChE Code of Ethics and the Code of Technical Standards- Issues subpoenas to secure the attendance of the witnesses or the production of documents in connection with any adminis
  • Examination Requirements
    all applicants for registration for the practice of chemical engineering shall be required to pass the licensure examination prescribe herein
  • Holding of Examination
    twice each calendar year. (November and April)
  • Scope of Examination
    physical and chemical principles; general engineering; and chemical engineering
  • Qualifications for examination
    - a citizen of the Philippines- Of good moral character- A graduate of a school, institute, college or university recognised by the government and has been conferred the degree of Bachelor of science in chemical engineering or its equivalent-Has not been convicted of any offense involving moral turpitude by a court with complete jurisdiction (Moral Turpitude - A phrase used in Criminal Law to describe conduct that is considered contrary to community standards of justice, honesty, or good morals)- A filipino citizen who graduated from foreighn educational institutions shall be required to submit an endorsement from ched
  • Examination Fees
    pay fees as may be required before being allowed to take the examination
  • Report of Rating
    The Board shall complete the correction of examination papers within twenty (20) days from the last day of the examination. The Commission shall report the rating of examinees not more than thirty (30) days before the Board has completed the correction of examination papers
  • Issuance of Certificate of Registration and Professional Identification Card
    general average of no less than seventy per centum (70%) and a rating of no less than fifty per centum (50%) in any examination subject.
  • Certificate of Registration
    shall state the full name of the registrant and his registration number, and shall be signed by the Chairman and Members of the Board and the Commissioner of the Commission abd authenticated by the official seal of the Commission
  • Professional Identification Card
    bearing the signature number, date of issuance, expiry date, duly signed by the Chairman of the Commission shall likewise be issued to every registrant
  • Seal of Registered Chemical Engineer
    a seal as prescribed by the Board bearing the registrant's name, registration number and the legend "Registered Chemical Engineer"
  • (Papers)

    Plans, specifications, reports and other professional documents prepared by or executed under the supervision of and issued by the registrant shall be stamped on every sheet with said seal when filed with Government authorities or when submitted or used professionally.
  • Exemptions from Registration
    - Foreign chemical engineers, recognized as experts in their specific fields of chemical engineering, called in by the Republic of the Philippines for consultation or for a specific design, installation or project: Provided, That their practice shall be confined to such work; and- Foreign chemical engineers, who have distinguished themselves in their respective fields of specialization, contracted as professors or lecturers on chemical engineering subjects by Philippine schools, or colleges, institutes or universities on a direct hire or exchange basis, subject to verification of credentials by the Board.
  • Suspension or Revocation of Certificate of Registration
    - Any act of misrepresentation in connection with an alleged performance of chemical engineering services;- Acts inimical to the chemical engineering profession; and (Inimical - unfriendly; hostile)- Gross immorality or commission of any act involving moral turpitude. (Moral Turpitude. A phrase used in Criminal Law to describe conduct that is considered contrary to community standards of justice, honesty, or good morals.)- Certificates of Compliance may be suspended or revoked for non-compliance with the provisions of this Act..
  • Reissuance of Revoked Certificate of Registration or Certificate of Compliance and replacement of lost Certificates
    The Board may, for reasons it may deemsufficient and upon proper petition, reissue revoked Certificates of Registration or Certificates of Compliance
  • Vested Rights
    Automatic Registration of Chemical Engineers - All chemical engineers who are registered at the time this Act takes effect shall automatically be registered.
  • Who may Practice Chemical Engineering
    Except as may be provided in this Act, only persons properly licensed and registered may practice chemical engineering.
  • Prohibitions in the Practice of Chemical Engineering
    - Practice chemical engineering or render chemical engineering services, or pass himself off or advertise himself as a chemical engineer without a valid certificate of registration or when such has been suspended or revoked;- Attempt to use as his own the certificate or seal of another person or impersonate any registered chemical engineer; or- Furnish the Board or Commission any false information or document in order to secure a Certificate of Registration.
  • Roster of Chemical Engineers
    The Commission shall keep a roster of all duly licensed and registered chemical engineers, stating their names, registration numbers and places of business. The Commission shall regularly update such roster and make it available to all interested parties.
  • Submission of Designs and Specifications forGovernment Approval
    Any proposal, design, specification, working drawings or plan for an industrial plant or any part thereof submitted to any government agency, national or local, including government-owned or controlled corporations, shall not be processed or approved, nor shall such plant be issued any permit, license, franchise, authorization or certification, unless such proposal, design, specification, working drawing or plan is signed by a registered chemical engineer, with seal and registration number affixed thereto.
  • Foreign Reciprocity
    No foreign chemical engineer shall be granted any of the right or privilege under this Act unless the country of which he is a subject or citizen grants the same or similar rights or privilege to Filipino chemical engineers
  • Indication of License Number and Privilege Tax Receipt Payment
    The chemical engineer shall be required to indicate his Certificate of Registration, Professional Identification Card Number, date of issuance and the duration of validity, including the Privilege Tax Receipt (PTR) of the documents he signs, uses or issues in connection with the practice of his profession.
  • Membership in the Integrated and Accredited Professional Organization
    there shall be an integrated national organization of chemical engineers duly accredited by the Board and the Commission. A chemical engineers duly registered with the Board shall automatically become a member of the accredited organization, and shall receive the benefits appurtenant thereto upon payment of the required fees and dues. Membership in the integrated and accredited national organization shall not be a bar to membership in other associations of chemical engineers.
  • Penal Clause
    Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this Act shall be guilty of misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to a fine of not less than Ten thousand pesos (P10,000) nor more than One million pesos (P1,000,00.00) or imprisonment for a period of not less than six (6) months nor more than five (5) years or both at the discretion of the court.
  • 1888
    In 1888, MIT Chemistry Professor Lewis M. Norton created Course X, the world's first four-year Chemical Engineering curriculum.
  • Course X
    Combining Mechanical Engineering with Industrial Chemistry, Course X was designed, according to a contemporary course catalog. "To meet the needs of the students who desire a GENERAL TRAINING IN MECHANICAL ENGINEEERING, and at the same time to devote a portion of their time to the studyof the APPLICATIONS OF CHEMISTRY of the arts, especially to those engineering problems which relate to the use and manufacture od chemical products.