It is called the fluid mosaic structure because all the components can move around (fluid), and the many different components fit together like a mosaic
A) Phospholipids
B) Cholesterol
C) Cytoskeleton
D) Proteins
E) Glycocalyx
F) Communication
G) transport
H) actions
I) Peripheral Proteins
J) Integral Proteins
Biological Membranes
Every living cell is surrounded by a thin, flexible cell membrane
Cell surface membrane
Similar structure in all cells
Partially permeable, level of this varies cell to cell depending on function
Regulate entry/exit:
Small polar/charged (H_2O and CO_2)
Small non-polar (O_2 and fatty acids)
Large molecules (enzymes, DNA, RNA)
Enzymes may leave cell when in lysosome (exocytosis)
Have own membrane
Never a rip cytoplasm could spill from
Lets ions and some larger polar molecules be transported in and out (glucose and amino acids)
Fluid Mosaic Model
Model of membrane structure
Phospholipids form thin, flexible sheet
Proteins “float” in it, like icebergs
Carbohydrates extend out from proteins
Membranes are visible in TEM (magnifications x100,000) as two dark lines separated by clear space
Difference across them is ~7nm
Steroids in animal membranes
Polar (bind to phosphate heads) and non-polar regions (bind to fatty acids tails)
Key for stability, strength, fluid permeability (less leaky)