Urogenital system

Cards (19)

  • the process of forming urine begins in the glomeruli
  • prostatic hyperplasia is the increase in the size and development of the prostate
  • -ptosis means drooping, sagging or prolapsed
  • ureteroscopy is used when ureteral stones are suspected
  • cryptorchidism is the state of undescended testes
  • epispadias is the defect in which the urinary meat is is located on the upper surface of the penis
  • phimosis is a condition of being muzzled
  • pyuria means pus in the urine
  • dysmenorrhea is a painful menstrual discharge
  • the term gravida means pregnant but literally means heavy
  • cervicitis means an inflamed neck
  • fet/o actually means young
  • salpingitis is an inflamed oviduct
  • efferent blood vessels carry blood away from Bowman’s capsule
  • epispadias causes a defect in the top of the urethra
  • the muscular wall of the uterus is called the myometrium
  • circumcision means around/to cut/ procedure
  • colpoptosis is a protrusion of the vagina
  • the seminal vesicles and prostate gland are responsible for producing fluid necessary for adequate sperm motility after ejaculation