types of ltm

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  • Who developed the different types of ltm?
    Tulving - criticised MSM as being reductionist of ltm
  • What are the types of ltm according to Tulving?
    • Episodic
    • Semantic
    • Procedural
  • Outline episodic ltm
    Autobiographical record of personal events/experiences
    • Easiest to remember as linked to senses so triggered by cues
    • Different parts of memory are located in different parts of the brain but connected by hippocampus
    • Have to consciously recall memory
    • Time-stamped - remember exactly when the event occurred
    Example: birthdays/prom/wedding
  • Outline semantic ltm
    Contains all the knowledge an individual has learnt
    • Not time-stamped
    • Linked to episodic as learning new knowledge from experiences
    • Consciously recalled to enable us to produce/understand language
    Example: facts/concepts/meanings
  • Outline procedural ltm
    Ability to automatically perform learned tasks with little conscious thought
    • Difficult to explain
    • Important for daily functioning - cognitive/motor skills
    Example: tying shoe lace/swimming/fears(classically conditioned)
  • What is the research to support procedural stm?
    Tested experienced typists to recall the position of letters on a keyboard without moving hands
    57% accuracy
    • Procedural intact in the absence of semantic/implicit in the absence of explicit
  • Outline the Clive Wearing case study
    Semantic memory - definitions/concepts (e.g, what coffee is) + love for his wife
    Procedural - singing/conducting/instruments/tell time/speaking
    Episodic - none
    • Supports existence of types of ltm