retrieval failure

Cards (22)

  • What is the term for things that serve as reminders?
  • What does Ethel Abernethy's 1940 study focus on?
    Effects of cues on memory retrieval
  • How did Abernethy test students' memory?
    By varying the testing environment
  • What was the best performance condition in Abernethy's study?
    Same instructor in the same room
  • What does retrieval failure refer to?
    Inability to access available memories
  • What principle did Tulving and Thomson propose?
    Encoding specificity principle
  • What does the encoding specificity principle state?
    Memory retrieval is better with matching cues
  • What was the context of Godden and Baddeley's 1975 study?
    Scuba divers learning words underwater
  • What did Godden and Badley's results show?
    Higher recall when context matched learning
  • How many words did participants learn in Tulving and Pearlstone's study?
    48 words
  • What was the result of Tulving and Pearlstone's study?
    Recall was highest with matching context
  • What type of recall conditions were used in Tulving and Pearlstone's study?
    Free recall and cued recall
  • What does state-dependent forgetting refer to?
    Recall influenced by mental state during learning
  • What did Goodwin et al. (1969) find about recall in different states?
    Better recall when in the same state
  • What percentage of words were recalled by drunk participants in Goodwin et al.'s study?
  • What percentage of words were recalled by sober participants in Goodwin et al.'s study?
  • What does the graph in Goodwin et al.'s study suggest?
    Information learned when drunk is retrievable when drunk
  • What does the term "danger of circularity" refer to?
    Potential confusion in defining concepts
  • What are interference effects in memory?
    When new information disrupts old memories
  • What are environmental cues?
    External factors that aid memory retrieval
  • How did inferior students perform in Abernethy's study?
    They were most affected by changes
  • How did superior students perform in Abernethy's study?
    They were least affected by changes