Christianity and Science summarised

Cards (3)

  • Evolution A01
    1. Evangelical fundamentalists argue that the Bible is the word of God and God created humans and animals separately
    2. Charles Kingsley is a liberal Christian - supportive of Darwin
    3. Huxley v Wilberforce debate
  • The Big Bang Theory A01
    1. Scientific evidence: CMBR and red shift
    2. YEC say the universe is only 6000 years old
    3. OEC interpret yom differently
    4. David Wilkinson and book of Genesis is a myth or love poem rather than a science book
    5. Anthropic principle
  • Polkinghorne A01
    1. Binocular vision and boiling kettle. bottom up thinking. link between experience and reason
    2. God acts providentially / intervenes at a quantum level
    3. Supports the anthropic principle and rejects the multi verse theory
    4. Kenosis theory