research issues

Cards (12)

  • What is the definition of an extraneous variable?

    anything that could influence the DV
  • What is the definition of demand characteristics?

    participants change their behaviour as they have predicted the aim of the study
  • What are the types of demand characteristics?
    • Hawthorne effect
    • Screw-you effect
    • Social desirability bias
  • What is the definition of the Hawthorne effect?

    participant guesses aim and tries to please by over-performing
  • What is the definition of the screw-you effect?

    participant guesses aim and tries to annoy by answering incorrectly
  • What is the definition of social desirability bias?

    participant acts unnatural as they are worried how they will be percieved
  • What are the types of extraneous variables?

    • Participant variables
    • Situational variables
    • Experimenter/Investigator variables
    • Demand characteristics
  • What are some examples of participant variables?

    gender, age, ethnicity, mood
  • What are some examples of situational variables?

    group size, unanimity, anonymity, task difficulty, temperature
  • What are the factors of experimenter variables? 

    • Physical characteristics - gender/appearance
    • Unconscious bias - subconsciously affected by social stereotypes
    • Leading questions - influences predetermined answers
    Avoid with double-blind procedure
  • How to reduce research issues?
    • Randomisation
    • Standardisation - procedures identical for all participants
    • Single-blind procedure - two conditions of DV + participants don't know conditions
    • Double-blind procedure - participants and researcher don't know the conditions
  • Confounding variable
    uncontrolled extraneous variables that negatively affect results