observational design

Cards (7)

  • What are the factors that must be present for a credible observation?
    • Behavioural categories
    • Sampling procedures
    • Inter-observer reliability
  • What is the definition of behavioural categories?
    dividing target behaviours into subsets through coding systems
    • must be clearly defined, observable, and measured
    e.g, laughing/on phone/talking - must be relevant to specific observation
  • What are the types of sampling procedures?
    • Event sampling - counting the amount of time a behavior is presented by an individual/group
    • Time sampling - counting behaviour present in set time frame (e.g, every 30 secs)
  • What is the definition of inter-observer reliability?
    the extent to which observers record similar behaviour when assessing/observing behaviour
    • should be 80% agreement
  • How to achieve inter-observer reliability?
    • multiple observers
    • pre-decide behavioural categories
    • compare behaviour + calculate correlation (should be 0.7)
    • pre-decide sampling procedure: time sampling must be at the same time
    • observe the same individual/group
  • Evaluate event sampling
    Strength - infrequent behaviours won't be missed = representative
    Weakness - complex/infrequent behaviours may be overlooked
  • Evaluate time-sampling
    Strength - less observations = less time consuming
    Weakness - behaviour sampled may be unrepresentative