Cards (100)

  • Precipitation
    When water comes back down to Earth from clouds in the form of hail, rain, snow or sleet.
  • Runoff
    When water washes off quickly.Rainfall that does not get absorbed by the soil.
  • Levee
    A embankments on the sides of the river made from layers of sediment deposited from flooding.
  • Evapo-transpiration

    When water does not return to the sea, but, instead goes back into the atmosphere, usually by trees and plants.
  • Groundwater flow
    When water flows underground
  • Confluence
    The point where two tributaries meet up together
  • Watershed
    The dividing line that divides between two drainage Basin
  • Tributaries
    The very small streams that occur near the source and join up and flow into the main river.
  • Meander
    When rivers bend or make winding curves
  • Ox-bow Lake
    A Lake that is made from a cut-off meander. It is separated from the main river by deposits of silt and material
  • Delta
    A land-form located at the mouth of the river , made up of dis-tributaries and deposits of silt and material.
  • Lateral Erosion
    Erosion of the sides of the river.
  • Solution
    When bits of material are transported by dissolving it in the water
  • Traction
    When big boulders are transported by rolling along the bed of the river.
  • Saltation
    When small rocks are transported by bouncing on the bed of the river
  • Suspension
    When very small bits of rocks are transported by it being suspended and carried along with the water flow.
  • V-Shaped Valley
    A river valley whose cross section looks like a v, made by the vertical erosion of rivers.
  • Interlocking Spurs
    When the river juts out between hills
  • Waterfall
    A Land-form made from the wearing away of soft rock,where water flows down from a height.
  • Gorge
    A deep narrow passage with a rocky walls and a river running between them. Made from the backwards retreat of waterfall.
  • Infiltration
    When rainwater seeps through the soil and ground
  • Water Table
    A level underground where below it, all the spaces in the rocks have been filled with water
  • Drainage Basin
    The whole area where the land is drained by rivers and its tributaries
  • Source
    Where the point of origin of the river is at.
  • River Erosion
    The wearing away of the river's banks and beds.
  • Abrasion
    When rocks and pebbles that are transported remove material from the banks and bed by wearing them away
  • Hydraulic Action
    When the sheer force of the water is enough to remove material and erode the river bed and banks
  • Solution or Corrosion
    Some soft rocks are chemically attacked and slowly dissolve in water
  • Attrition
    When the pebbles transported rub against each other and erode themselves into sand-sized particles, due to friction.
  • Distributary

    When a river branches off at the mouth of the river, and is located in the delta.
  • Slip-Off Slope
    A gentle slope at the inner bend of a river, made from the deposition of material
  • River Cliff
    A steep bank at the outer bend of the river, formed when the force of the water undercuts the bank.
  • Deposition
    The laying down of matter to the bottom of the river.
  • Flood Plain
    The flat, low-lying land on either sides of the rivers where sediment is deposited formed by flooding and often gets flooded.
  • Alluvium
    The greatest thickness of river-deposited material
  • Silt
    Small and fine parts of rocks
  • Undercutting
    Wearing away the lower part of the rock.
  • Flooding
    When an area or place is submerged in water
  • Water Balance
    The difference between the amount of precipitation that falls and the amount of water that is evapo-transpired.
  • River Management
    Plans and processes implemented on rivers to control water flow and discharge or for a profit.