types of data

Cards (8)

  • What is the definition of quantitative data?
    data occurring in numerical from
  • What is the definition of qualitative data?
    non-numerical data expressing meanings/feelings/descriptions
  • What are the characteristics of quantitative data?
    • Objective
    • Precise numerical measures
    • Lack detail
    • High reliability
  • What are the characteristics of qualitative data?
    • Subjective
    • Imprecise non-numerical measures
    • Rich + detailed
    • Low in reliability
  • What is the definition of primary data?
    data collected specifically toward a research aim which has not been previously published
  • What is the definition of secondary data?
    data originally created toward another research aim which has been published before
  • What is the definition of a meta-analysis?
    a process in which large numbers of studies that involve the same research question and methods are reviewed together and then the combined data is tested by statistical techniques to assess the effect size
  • Evaluate a meta-analysis
    Strength - statistical power to be generalised as representative
    Weakness - a combination of studies may ignore important differences